Wednesday 3 September 2008

Castle Harmondale......

Oh well, first post.
Having just moved into a new flat last weekend I found myself reminded of an old computer game, Might and Magic VII: For Blood and Honor. Ah they don't make 'em like they used to! Maybe thats a good thing, but I still have fond memories of many hours lost battling through its 2D denizens.

However, what I was particularly reminded of in this instance was Castle Harmondale, a run down derelict castle filled with rubbish and filth. You "win" this questionable relic at the start of the game and behold a scene not so very different to one encountered when first entering my flat (although regrettably, its somewhat smaller and less medieval).

Still sometimes it pays to make a noise, and just as with the lowly Castle Harmondale the journey of upgrades and repairs begins in earnest.

1 comment:

Rob said...

Good luck with the new flat good buddy

We should catch up at some point soon!